Johnston Middle School XC Boys 2 mi-2

Camp Dodge, Johnston, IA

Sep. 5, 2017

70 degrees, partly cloudy

Results by Michael Franke

Girls results HERE

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                                  Last updated Sep. 6, 2017 7:39 PM


  1 Waukee                   69    1   12   14   19   23   38   46  11:55.1  1:09.7

  2 Johnston                 73    5    6    7   22   33   58   59  12:03.7  0:52.2

  3 Ankeny Northview        110    9   16   25   29   31   32   42  12:16.3  0:36.2

  4 Indianola               117    4   13   27   28   45   73   77  12:18.7  1:13.0

  5 Ankeny Southview        141   11   17   21   44   48   54   57  12:27.1  1:04.0

  6 Dallas Center Grimes    156    3   10   18   60   65   74   75  12:33.8  1:53.5

  7 Ames                    159   15   20   34   43   47   52   64  12:34.4  0:57.0

  8 Roosevelt               172    8   24   35   50   55   56   62  12:38.8  1:23.4

  9 Southeast Polk          197    2   30   51   53   61   71   72  12:46.3  1:54.0

 10 North Polk              203   26   36   37   41   63   70   76  12:51.7  1:07.2

 11 Lincoln                 345   49   66   69   79   82   83   89  14:13.9  2:18.9

 12 Hoover                  376   40   81   84   85   86   87   90  15:12.2  3:19.4

 13 East                    390   39   80   88   91   92   94       15:50.0  4:32.2

 14 North                   401   67   68   78   93   95   96   97  17:12.6 10:54.7


 PLACE         FINISHER          TIME

1. Waukee

    1  Kyle Ruby, 8             11:10.6  

   12  Max Holt, 8              11:57.9  

   14  Josh DeJohn, 8           11:59.8  

   19  Chad DenAdel, 8          12:06.8  

   23  Jake Wiersma, 8          12:20.3  

   38  Tyler Merhar, 8          12:46.9  

   46  Owen Fulton, 8           12:59.0  

Total Time = 59:35.4     Total Places = 69

2. Johnston

    5  J T. Garcia, 7           11:45.5  

    6  Aidan O'Connor, 7        11:46.8  

    7  Jared Meyer, 8           11:49.6  

   22  Michael Pfister, 8       12:18.8  

   33  Nick Bechtel, 8          12:37.6  

   58  Logan Becker, 8          13:22.6  

   59  Mengesha Hennes, 7       13:23.2  

Total Time = 1:00:18.3     Total Places = 73

3. Ankeny Northview

    9  Karsten Peters, 8        11:54.2  

   16  Kellen Welsch, 8         12:03.9  

   25  Will Blackmore, 8        12:24.1  

   29  Braden Miller, 8         12:28.9  

   31  Caden Rasmus, 8          12:30.4  

   32  Jack Lacey, 8            12:37.6  

   42  Thomas Brustkern, 8      12:51.7  

Total Time = 1:01:21.5     Total Places = 110

4. Indianola

    4  Curtis Johnson, 8        11:44.5  

   13  Logan Hoger, 8           11:58.3  

   27  Hunter Seifrig, 7        12:25.5  

   28  Keene Barnes, 8          12:27.5  

   45  Preston Bily, 7          12:57.5  

   73  Bryce Aldridge, 8        14:07.9  

   77  Kinnick Werling, 7       14:12.0  

Total Time = 1:01:33.3     Total Places = 117

5. Ankeny Southview

   11  Carter Smith, 8          11:57.6  

   17  Mason Yeatts, 8          12:04.4  

   21  Hunter Yeatts, 8         12:17.9  

   44  Carter Clark, 8          12:54.1  

   48  Isaiah Otten, 8          13:01.5  

   54  Andres Lopez, 8          13:12.4  

   57  Truman Patterson, 8      13:18.8  

Total Time = 1:02:15.5     Total Places = 141

6. Dallas Center Grimes

    3  Jacob Storey, 8          11:43.4  

   10  Owen Pries, 8            11:55.4  

   18  Aidan Ramsey, 8          12:05.2  

   60  Kyle Snyder, 8           13:28.0  

   65  Cael Wineland, 8         13:36.9  

   74  Nathan Waknitz, 8        14:08.7  

   75  Kendall Bickford, 8      14:10.3  

Total Time = 1:02:48.9     Total Places = 156

7. Ames

   15  Jonathon Williams, 7     12:02.6  

   20  Carter Peterson, 8       12:14.6  

   34  Charlie Orngard, 8       12:42.0  

   43  Will Hatcher, 8          12:53.1  

   47  John Higgins, 7          12:59.6  

   52  Brett Wineinger, 8       13:05.9  

   64  Jay Voss, 7              13:33.1  

Total Time = 1:02:51.9     Total Places = 159

8. Roosevelt

    8  Jaxson Plumb, 7          11:50.2  

   24  Beckett LaPrade, 8       12:20.3  

   35  Pablo Cerda, 7           12:45.1  

   50  Carson Lane, 7           13:04.7  

   55  Henry Nagel, 8           13:13.6  

   56  Elijah Gumm, 7           13:17.2  

   62  Nick Jackson, 8          13:31.2  

Total Time = 1:03:13.9     Total Places = 172

9. Southeast Polk

    2  Ben Miller, 8            11:35.7  

   30  Jenkin Fulmer, 7         12:29.7  

   51  Carson Owens, 7          13:05.5  

   53  Cooper Hansen, 8         13:10.9  

   61  Jack Casey, 7            13:29.6  

   71  Isaiah Boren, 8          14:02.7  

   72  Grant Vorwerk, 8         14:03.4  

Total Time = 1:03:51.4     Total Places = 197

10. North Polk

   26  Nathan Crabb, 8          12:24.5  

   36  Max Sporaa, 7            12:45.4  

   37  Zach Sporaa, 7           12:45.6  

   41  Will Ford, 7             12:51.3  

   63  Ethan Stierman, 7        13:31.6  

   70  Andrew Brokofsky, 8      14:00.6  

   76  Austin Stierman, 7       14:11.1  

Total Time = 1:04:18.4     Total Places = 203

11. Lincoln

   49  Tyler Sheldahl, 8        13:03.9  

   66  Andres Torres, 8         13:42.7  

   69  Derek Shade, 7           13:52.6  

   79  David Galvin-Dominguez, 815:07.4  

   82  Denarkus Shade, 7        15:22.8  

   83  Anthony Fonza, 8         15:30.5  

   89  Diego Mosquera, 8        17:01.9  

Total Time = 1:11:09.4     Total Places = 345

12. Hoover

   40  Barry Adoobe, 8          12:49.6  

   81  Tyler Rickets, 8         15:20.6  

   84  Leing HlaSu, 7           15:43.3  

   85  Morgan Jackson, 8        15:58.2  

   86  Anyaar Mayom, 7          16:09.0  

   87  Daniel Pinero, 8         16:11.3  

   90  Lucas Riley, 7           17:17.6  

Total Time = 1:16:00.7     Total Places = 376

13. East

   39  Zac Niedercloffer, 8     12:49.0  

   80  Alex Granados, 8         15:19.1  

   88  Germian Scholffer, 7     16:22.4  

   91  Brian Carmenate, 7       17:18.1  

   92  Alan Granados, 7         17:21.2  

   94  Michael Roby, 7          20:24.6  

Total Time = 1:19:09.8     Total Places = 390

14. North

   67  Troy Abarr, 8            13:45.0  

   68  Mohammed Saidu, 8        13:45.8  

   78  Nemesio Abreo, 8         14:31.5  

   93  Josue Schakel, 8         19:20.6  

   95  David Hollingsworth, 7   24:39.7  

   96  Keighan Myers, 7         25:51.5  

   97  Jesse Moon, 7            28:09.6  

Total Time = 1:26:02.6     Total Places = 401


 PLACE SCORE         FINISHER          TIME        TEAM         


    1     1  Kyle Ruby, 8             11:10.6    Waukee               

    2     2  Ben Miller, 8            11:35.7    Southeast Polk       

    3     3  Jacob Storey, 8          11:43.4    Dallas Center Grimes 

    4     4  Curtis Johnson, 8        11:44.5    Indianola            

    5     5  J T. Garcia, 7           11:45.5    Johnston             

    6     6  Aidan O'Connor, 7        11:46.8    Johnston             

    7     7  Jared Meyer, 8           11:49.6    Johnston             

    8     8  Jaxson Plumb, 7          11:50.2    Roosevelt            

    9     9  Karsten Peters, 8        11:54.2    Ankeny Northview     

   10    10  Owen Pries, 8            11:55.4    Dallas Center Grimes 

   11    11  Carter Smith, 8          11:57.6    Ankeny Southview     

   12    12  Max Holt, 8              11:57.9    Waukee               

   13    13  Logan Hoger, 8           11:58.3    Indianola            

   14    14  Josh DeJohn, 8           11:59.8    Waukee               

   15    15  Jonathon Williams, 7     12:02.6    Ames                 

   16    16  Kellen Welsch, 8         12:03.9    Ankeny Northview     

   17    17  Mason Yeatts, 8          12:04.4    Ankeny Southview     

   18    18  Aidan Ramsey, 8          12:05.2    Dallas Center Grimes 

   19    19  Chad DenAdel, 8          12:06.8    Waukee               

   20    20  Carter Peterson, 8       12:14.6    Ames                 

   21    21  Hunter Yeatts, 8         12:17.9    Ankeny Southview     

   22    22  Michael Pfister, 8       12:18.8    Johnston             

   23    23  Jake Wiersma, 8          12:20.3    Waukee               

   24    24  Beckett LaPrade, 8       12:20.3    Roosevelt            

   25    25  Will Blackmore, 8        12:24.1    Ankeny Northview     

   26    26  Nathan Crabb, 8          12:24.5    North Polk           

   27    27  Hunter Seifrig, 7        12:25.5    Indianola            

   28    28  Keene Barnes, 8          12:27.5    Indianola            

   29    29  Braden Miller, 8         12:28.9    Ankeny Northview     

   30    30  Jenkin Fulmer, 7         12:29.7    Southeast Polk       

   31    31  Caden Rasmus, 8          12:30.4    Ankeny Northview     

   32    32  Jack Lacey, 8            12:37.6    Ankeny Northview     

   33    33  Nick Bechtel, 8          12:37.6    Johnston             

   34    34  Charlie Orngard, 8       12:42.0    Ames                 

   35    35  Pablo Cerda, 7           12:45.1    Roosevelt            

   36    36  Max Sporaa, 7            12:45.4    North Polk           

   37    37  Zach Sporaa, 7           12:45.6    North Polk           

   38    38  Tyler Merhar, 8          12:46.9    Waukee               

   39    39  Zac Niedercloffer, 8     12:49.0    East                 

   40    40  Barry Adoobe, 8          12:49.6    Hoover               

   41    41  Will Ford, 7             12:51.3    North Polk           

   42    42  Thomas Brustkern, 8      12:51.7    Ankeny Northview     

   43    43  Will Hatcher, 8          12:53.1    Ames                 

   44    44  Carter Clark, 8          12:54.1    Ankeny Southview     

   45    45  Preston Bily, 7          12:57.5    Indianola            

   46    46  Owen Fulton, 8           12:59.0    Waukee               

   47    47  John Higgins, 7          12:59.6    Ames                 

   48        Tyler Schermerhorn, 8    13:01.1    Ankeny Northview     

   49    48  Isaiah Otten, 8          13:01.5    Ankeny Southview     

   50    49  Tyler Sheldahl, 8        13:03.9    Lincoln              

   51    50  Carson Lane, 7           13:04.7    Roosevelt            

   52    51  Carson Owens, 7          13:05.5    Southeast Polk       

   53    52  Brett Wineinger, 8       13:05.9    Ames                 

   54        Charles Peterson, 8      13:06.4    Waukee               

   55        Cooper Majors, 8         13:07.2    Ankeny Northview     

   56        Luke Wellet, 8           13:08.5    Waukee               

   57    53  Cooper Hansen, 8         13:10.9    Southeast Polk       

   58        London Hershberger, 8    13:11.1    Ankeny Northview     

   59    54  Andres Lopez, 8          13:12.4    Ankeny Southview     

   60    55  Henry Nagel, 8           13:13.6    Roosevelt            

   61        Ty Rounds, 8             13:14.3    Ankeny Northview     

   62    56  Elijah Gumm, 7           13:17.2    Roosevelt            

   63    57  Truman Patterson, 8      13:18.8    Ankeny Southview     

   64    58  Logan Becker, 8          13:22.6    Johnston             

   65    59  Mengesha Hennes, 7       13:23.2    Johnston             

   66        Conor Wahlberg, 8        13:24.0    Ankeny Southview     

   67        Nathan Schwab, 8         13:24.4    Waukee               

   68        Tommy Stroud, 8          13:25.5    Waukee               

   69        Jackson Penningroth, 8   13:26.6    Ankeny Southview     

   70        Joey Dombrosky, 8        13:27.4    Waukee               

   71    60  Kyle Snyder, 8           13:28.0    Dallas Center Grimes 

   72        Nate Willey, 8           13:28.4    Ankeny Northview     

   73    61  Jack Casey, 7            13:29.6    Southeast Polk       

   74    62  Nick Jackson, 8          13:31.2    Roosevelt            

   75    63  Ethan Stierman, 7        13:31.6    North Polk           

   76        Theo Whitehead, 7        13:32.2    Roosevelt            

   77        Zach Zinn, 8             13:32.8    Ankeny Northview     

   78    64  Jay Voss, 7              13:33.1    Ames                 

   79        Joel Nelson, 8           13:34.6    Ankeny Northview     

   80        John Sehnert, 8          13:34.8    Waukee               

   81        Cameron Larson, 8        13:35.1    Ankeny Northview     

   82    65  Cael Wineland, 8         13:36.9    Dallas Center Grimes 

   83        Josh Larson, 8           13:39.4    Johnston             

   84        Andrew Phillips, 8       13:39.6    Waukee               

   85        Ayden Lyon, 8            13:40.4    Johnston             

   86        Griffin Gade, 8          13:42.6    Ankeny Southview     

   87    66  Andres Torres, 8         13:42.7    Lincoln              

   88        Dylan Grandon, 7         13:42.9    Johnston             

   89        Joseph Kerber, 8         13:43.7    Johnston             

   90    67  Troy Abarr, 8            13:45.0    North                

   91    68  Mohammed Saidu, 8        13:45.8    North                

   92        Ethan Holter, 8          13:46.3    Johnston             

   93        Bradley Sponsler, 8      13:46.4    Ankeny Southview     

   94        David Parks, 8           13:48.2    Waukee               

   95        Saladin Hodzic, 8        13:48.8    Johnston             

   96        Christian Rathje, 8      13:50.4    Ankeny Southview     

   97    69  Derek Shade, 7           13:52.6    Lincoln              

   98        Broden Haley, 8          13:54.8    Ankeny Northview     

   99        Simon Janelle, 8         13:59.6    Ankeny Northview     

  100    70  Andrew Brokofsky, 8      14:00.6    North Polk           

  101        Curtis Whipple, 8        14:01.1    Ankeny Southview     

  102    71  Isaiah Boren, 8          14:02.7    Southeast Polk       

  103    72  Grant Vorwerk, 8         14:03.4    Southeast Polk       

  104        Brett Schroeder, 7       14:04.8                         

  105        Jonah Sterling, 7        14:05.1    Johnston             

  106        Jayden Bible, 8          14:06.0    Ankeny Southview     

  107        Mario Napolitano, 8      14:06.6    Ames                 

  108        Devon TeKolste, 8        14:07.1    Southeast Polk       

  109        Stephen Beaman, 8        14:07.1    Johnston             

  110    73  Bryce Aldridge, 8        14:07.9    Indianola            

  111        Charles Ill, 8           14:07.9    Roosevelt            

  112    74  Nathan Waknitz, 8        14:08.7    Dallas Center Grimes 

  113        Nathan Hupfer, 7         14:09.2    Johnston             

  114        Isaac Forristall, 7      14:09.7    Southeast Polk       

  115    75  Kendall Bickford, 8      14:10.3    Dallas Center Grimes 

  116        Jake Rosenow, 8          14:10.4    Waukee               

  117    76  Austin Stierman, 7       14:11.1    North Polk           

  118    77  Kinnick Werling, 7       14:12.0    Indianola            

  119        Brandon Ness, 8          14:13.0    Johnston             

  120        Charlie Hoffman, 8       14:14.3    Ankeny Northview     

  121        Jake Wagner, 8           14:14.5    Johnston             

  122        Drew Folkerts, 7         14:14.6    Roosevelt            

  123        Caden Souer-Fehrer, 8    14:18.0    Indianola            

  124        Joel McCleary, 8         14:19.0    Ankeny Northview     

  125        Camden Wacha, 7          14:19.1    Ames                 

  126        Carson Enfield, 7        14:19.2    Ames                 

  127        Mason Jackson, 7         14:19.8    Dallas Center Grimes 

  128        Ethan Keomala, 7         14:20.8    Southeast Polk       

  129        Jack Wanamaker, 8        14:22.1    Ames                 

  130        Samuel Hennes, 8         14:23.0    Johnston             

  131        Sam McCloud, 8           14:23.3    North Polk           

  132        Timy Hanulik, 7          14:23.7    Ames                 

  133        Carson Packer, 8         14:24.4    Ames                 

  134        Connor Hall, 7           14:24.9    Southeast Polk       

  135        Elliot Donovan, 7        14:27.9    Roosevelt            

  136        Cole Haverman, 7         14:28.7    North Polk           

  137        Blake Ganpat, 8          14:29.4    Ankeny Southview     

  138    78  Nemesio Abreo, 8         14:31.5    North                

  139        Dj Miller-Breon, 7       14:35.5    Southeast Polk       

  140        Bradley Koehler, 7       14:37.8    Johnston             

  141        Tyler Moore, 7           14:38.6    Johnston             

  142        Will Marshall, 7         14:38.8    Southeast Polk       

  143        Logan Westin, 7          14:39.0    Roosevelt            

  144        Grant Jackson, 8         14:40.6    Roosevelt            

  145        Caleb Morris, 7          14:41.3    Dallas Center Grimes 

  146        Alan Trible, 8           14:41.5    Waukee               

  147        Benton McFetridge, 8     14:42.1    Roosevelt            

  148        Kellen Jones, 8          14:42.2    Ankeny Northview     

  149        Ryan Trujillo, 7         14:42.3    Southeast Polk       

  150        Sam Ritland, 7           14:43.6    Southeast Polk       

  151        Zach Halverson, 8        14:44.1    Dallas Center Grimes 

  152        Jake Pemble, 8           14:45.1    Johnston             

  153        Daniel Yakobson, 8       14:45.8    Ames                 

  154        Andrew Sullivan, 8       14:46.6    Ames                 

  155        Kyle Pederson, 8         14:46.8    Ankeny Southview     

  156        Brenden Merical, 8       14:48.2    Indianola            

  157        Aryen Clipper, 8         14:48.9    Ames                 

  158        Lucas Lueth, 7           14:51.1    Ames                 

  159        Dawson Young, 7          14:51.6    Southeast Polk       

  160        Dylan Roberts, 7         14:52.4    Dallas Center Grimes 

  161        Issac O'Toole, 8         14:52.6    Ankeny Southview     

  162        Braeden Gierstorf, 7     14:53.4    Johnston             

  163        John Zheng, 7            14:53.6    Ames                 

  164        Marcus Watznauer, 7      14:55.1    Dallas Center Grimes 

  165        Chris Moseley, 8         14:55.7    Waukee               

  166        Tate Deremiah, 7         14:56.1    Dallas Center Grimes 

  167        Jackson Overton, 7       14:57.8    Indianola            

  168        Roman Keahna-Harris, 8   14:58.6    Ankeny Northview     

  169        Alex Noel, 7             14:58.8    Roosevelt            

  170        Caleb Hill, 7            14:59.6    Ames                 

  171        Spencer Clifton, 8       14:59.8    Southeast Polk       

  172        Caden Winterboer, 7      15:00.3    Johnston             

  173        Jacob Alexander, 7       15:00.9    Dallas Center Grimes 

  174        Michael Hayden, 8        15:01.7    Ankeny Southview     

  175        Matthew Alaimo, 8        15:02.0    Johnston             

  176        Charlie Craiger, 8       15:04.6    Roosevelt            

  177        Hayden McCormac, 8       15:05.0    Roosevelt            

  178    79  David Galvin-Dominguez, 815:07.4    Lincoln              

  179        Shane Ackelson, 7        15:09.5    Indianola            

  180        Ashton Bolletta, 7       15:10.0    North Polk           

  181        Gavin Snelson, 8         15:12.3    Waukee               

  182        Theo Linebaugh, 8        15:12.7    Roosevelt            

  183        Josh Larson, 7           15:12.8    Johnston             

  184        Alonzo Spencer, 8        15:13.6    Roosevelt            

  185        Carter Davis, 8          15:14.0    Ankeny Southview     

  186        Noah Segar, 8            15:15.0    Ankeny Northview     

  187        Matthew Monsivais, 8     15:15.6    Ankeny Northview     

  188        Matthew Bonner, 7        15:15.9    Roosevelt            

  189        Jaden Brown, 8           15:17.1    Ankeny Southview     

  190        Gavin Mally, 8           15:19.0    Johnston             

  191    80  Alex Granados, 8         15:19.1    East                 

  192    81  Tyler Rickets, 8         15:20.6    Hoover               

  193        Zachary Corsbie, 8       15:21.0    Johnston             

  194        Alexis Castro, 7         15:21.2    Roosevelt            

  195        Tommy DeWilde, 8         15:21.7    Ankeny Southview     

  196    82  Denarkus Shade, 7        15:22.8    Lincoln              

  197        Hayden Sinclair, 7       15:22.9    Ames                 

  198        Alexander Wear, 7        15:23.3    Johnston             

  199        Avery Carlson, 8         15:24.4    Ankeny Northview     

  200        Tyler Halverson, 8       15:24.6    Dallas Center Grimes 

  201        Amari Julich, 7          15:25.6    Ames                 

  202        Jason Wolters, 7         15:26.1    Ames                 

  203        Jerry Peng, 8            15:27.2    Waukee               

  204        Cal Pennington, 8        15:27.6    Roosevelt            

  205        Sam Grieman, 7           15:27.8    Dallas Center Grimes 

  206        Sam Harris, 7            15:27.8    Roosevelt            

  207        Rohan Devadas, 7         15:30.0    Johnston             

  208    83  Anthony Fonza, 8         15:30.5    Lincoln              

  209        Ian Nelson, 8            15:31.9    Ames                 

  210        Garrett Goben, 8         15:32.8    Indianola            

  211        Cameron Capalbo, 7       15:34.2    Johnston             

  212        Dakota Hambaugh, 7       15:34.4    Indianola            

  213        Jacob Grubb, 8           15:36.9    Indianola            

  214        Thomas Nsereko, 8        15:38.2    Johnston             

  215        Korbin Keomala, 7        15:38.3    Southeast Polk       

  216        Karsten Newell, 8        15:41.2    Dallas Center Grimes 

  217    84  Leing HlaSu, 7           15:43.3    Hoover               

  218        Colin Miller, 7          15:44.6    Southeast Polk       

  219        Grant Strickler, 7       15:45.1    Johnston             

  220        Grant Tack, 7            15:45.3    Johnston             

  221        Adam Strahorn, 7         15:45.4    Johnston             

  222        Tate Severs, 8           15:45.8    Johnston             

  223        Isaac Seger, 7           15:46.3    Indianola            

  224        Ryan VanDenover, 8       15:47.4    Johnston             

  225        Keegan Strub, 7          15:47.5    Johnston             

  226        Matthew Hehr, 8          15:50.4    Ames                 

  227        Derek Marsh, 7           15:51.6    Johnston             

  228        Gage Gaul, 7             15:53.1    Southeast Polk       

  229        Logan Eilers, 8          15:54.2    Ankeny Northview     

  230        Carson Graham, 8         15:55.1    Indianola            

  231        Joey Eginoire, 8         15:57.9    Indianola            

  232    85  Morgan Jackson, 8        15:58.2    Hoover               

  233        Grant Woodward, 8        15:59.9    Ames                 

  234        Xander Poock, 7          16:01.2    Johnston             

  235        Colin Easler, 8          16:02.7    Roosevelt            

  236        Benjamin Christy, 7      16:07.1    Johnston             

  237        Eric Borgmeier, 7        16:08.8    Johnston             

  238    86  Anyaar Mayom, 7          16:09.0    Hoover               

  239        Carson Springer, 7       16:09.3    Dallas Center Grimes 

  240    87  Daniel Pinero, 8         16:11.3    Hoover               

  241        Luke Herbselb, 8         16:16.8    Dallas Center Grimes 

  242        Roberto Dubiel, 8        16:17.5    Ames                 

  243        Elijah Pelds, 8          16:19.8    Southeast Polk       

  244        Alex Ladner, 8           16:19.9    Ankeny Northview     

  245        Elijah Chow, 8           16:20.8    Johnston             

  246    88  Germian Scholffer, 7     16:22.4    East                 

  247        Landon Smithhart, 7      16:24.4    Southeast Polk       

  248        Drew Schindel, 8         16:25.2    Ames                 

  249        Tate Meinhard, 8         16:28.6    Ames                 

  250        Connor Johnson, 7        16:30.8    Ames                 

  251        Brandon Vorst, 7         16:31.1    Ames                 

  252        Owen Lovan, 7            16:33.3    Southeast Polk       

  253        Reece Gross, 8           16:33.9    Ankeny Southview     

  254        Harrison Niepert, 7      16:35.0    Roosevelt            

  255        Carter Hanson, 8         16:36.6    Waukee               

  256        Brandon Williams, 8      16:39.0    Ankeny Southview     

  257        Jack Beason, 8           16:41.1    Ankeny Southview     

  258        Zane Salti, 7            16:44.5    Ames                 

  259        Aidan Alaimo, 8          16:45.7    Johnston             

  260        Brian VanDeVoorde, 7     16:50.0    Southeast Polk       

  261        Tyler Pegg, 8            16:55.7    Johnston             

  262        Sam Agan, 8              17:00.3    Ankeny Northview     

  263        Sutton Battles, 7        17:00.8    Ames                 

  264    89  Diego Mosquera, 8        17:01.9    Lincoln              

  265        Ryan Clark, 7            17:02.2    Roosevelt            

  266        Kasey Draper, 8          17:02.5    Lincoln              

  267        Ethan Ver Helst, 8       17:03.3    Ankeny Northview     

  268        Nicholas Goodman, 7      17:06.2    Ames                 

  269        Scott Knutsen, 7         17:09.3    Southeast Polk       

  270        Benjamin Herbst, 7       17:10.1    Johnston             

  271        Isaac Kronberg, 8        17:10.9    Johnston             

  272        Nathan Collett, 7        17:13.9    Ames                 

  273        Karsten Holm, 8          17:15.7    Ames                 

  274    90  Lucas Riley, 7           17:17.6    Hoover               

  275        Jacob Altoff, 8          17:18.0    Roosevelt            

  276    91  Brian Carmenate, 7       17:18.1    East                 

  277    92  Alan Granados, 7         17:21.2    East                 

  278        Sutton Christensen, 7    17:24.5    Southeast Polk       

  279        Brandon Giampolo, 7      17:25.4    Johnston             

  280        Easton Mittelstaedt, 7   17:29.3    Ames                 

  281        John Widerstein, 7       17:31.3    Southeast Polk       

  282        Samuel Vanryswyk, 8      17:35.1    Ames                 

  283        Brooks Murphy, 8         17:37.5    Roosevelt            

  284        Jackson Lozier, 8        17:39.1    Roosevelt            

  285        Hudson Bretey, 8         17:40.4    Ames                 

  286        Kyler Hall, 7            17:40.5    Ames                 

  287        Luis Velesco, 8          17:42.9    Waukee               

  288        Grant Harrison, 7        17:43.6    Lincoln              

  289        Colin Yuska, 7           17:47.1    Johnston             

  290        Matthew He, 8            17:48.1    Johnston             

  291        Tomas Hernandez, 7       17:48.1    Ames                 

  292        Jacob DeLange, 7         17:49.2    Roosevelt            

  293        Tyson Chesley, 7         17:51.6    Roosevelt            

  294        Carter Sharp, 7          17:53.6    Johnston             

  295        Kenny Chu, 8             17:55.9    Waukee               

  296        David Anderson, 7        17:57.2    Indianola            

  297        Zack Hodson, 7           18:00.4    Johnston             

  298        McClain Laird, 8         18:02.3    Waukee               

  299        Nathan Church, 8         18:05.4    Ames                 

  300        Hank Simms, 8            18:05.7    Southeast Polk       

  301        Colin Muhlena, 7         18:07.6    North Polk           

  302        Alek McGaughy, 8         18:09.1    Johnston             

  303        Kobe Headlee, 8          18:12.4    Indianola            

  304        Robinson Moore, 7        18:13.7    Lincoln              

  305        Mason Hausman, 7         18:14.5    Southeast Polk       

  306        Nate Bergerson, 7        18:15.8    North Polk           

  307        Osman Sirleaf, 7         18:16.4    Hoover               

  308        Quinn Taylor, 7          18:27.1    North Polk           

  309        Colton Lee, 7            18:29.1    North Polk           

  310        Toan Vo, 8               18:30.6    Lincoln              

  311        Owen Crabbs, 8           18:33.8    Waukee               

  312        Austin Loomis, 7         18:39.7    Ames                 

  313        Russell Ostrander, 7     18:53.5    Johnston             

  314        Kenny Pochinski, 8       18:54.7    Ankeny Southview     

  315        Kaiden Feldman, 8        19:03.8    Hoover               

  316        Sam Forde, 8             19:05.5    North Polk           

  317        Aidan Fredericks, 7      19:06.6    Johnston             

  318        Everett Hagrove, 7       19:11.0    Ames                 

  319        Kunal Singhal, 8         19:13.5    Johnston             

  320        Aiden Evers, 8           19:18.4    Ames                 

  321    93  Josue Schakel, 8         19:20.6    North                

  322        Joshua Motl, 7           19:21.1    Ames                 

  323        Carson Jones, 8          19:21.2    Johnston             

  324        Josh Coney, 7            19:29.9    Hoover               

  325        Hei Moo, 7               19:36.8    Hoover               

  326        Roger Cambron, 7         19:42.9    Indianola            

  327        Morgan Adamovicz, 8      19:43.7    Southeast Polk       

  328        Bryson Illian, 8         19:44.0    Dallas Center Grimes 

  329        Luke Biever, 7           20:04.2    Ames                 

  330        Jaxon DeVries, 7         20:13.0    Southeast Polk       

  331        Zane Lathrum, 8          20:13.7    Indianola            

  332        Tyler Boege, 7           20:21.3    Indianola            

  333        Arob Wor, 7              20:22.1    Hoover               

  334    94  Michael Roby, 7          20:24.6    East                 

  335        Jack McAllister, 8       20:26.3    Ankeny Northview     

  336        Toby Wingert, 8          20:30.6    Ankeny Southview     

  337        Alex Read, 8             20:31.1    Ames                 

  338        Cole Kyer, 7             20:35.2    Southeast Polk       

  339        Dante Kinney, 7          20:41.8    Lincoln              

  340        Alec Boblenz, 7          20:42.6    Dallas Center Grimes 

  341        Cris Sehmann, 7          21:53.9    Ames                 

  342        Michael Huang, 7         21:55.0    Ames                 

  343        Akhtan Oryspayev, 7      21:58.1    Ames                 

  344        Ryan Borth, 7            22:06.1    Southeast Polk       

  345        Max Turczynski, 7        22:08.1    North Polk           

  346        Devyn Boots, 7           22:27.8    North Polk           

  347        Zachary Stambach, 8      22:29.3    Southeast Polk       

  348        Wyatt Pastour, 7         22:33.6    Southeast Polk       

  349        Jordan Leek, 7           22:49.3    Lincoln              

  350        Eric Wichers, 7          22:54.4    Ames                 

  351        Donovan Kennedy, 8       23:01.4    Southeast Polk       

  352        Max Crowder, 8           23:32.5    Johnston             

  353        Alex Pennington, 8       24:18.5    Indianola            

  354        Sebastian Sauceda, 8     24:20.4    Ames                 

  355    95  David Hollingsworth, 7   24:39.7    North                

  356        Kaydin Moore, 8          25:19.7    Waukee               

  357    96  Keighan Myers, 7         25:51.5    North                

  358        Ethan Melby, 8           26:11.6    Ames                 

  359        Hezekiah Moyer, 7        27:28.5    Johnston             

  360        Luke Wedemeyer, 7        27:48.2    Johnston             

  361        Landon Hadsall, 7        27:56.9    Hoover               

  362    97  Jesse Moon, 7            28:09.6    North                

  363        Yusuf Demirci, 7         28:26.2    Ames                 

  364        Renzo Christiansen, 7    28:34.3    Ames                 

  365        Evan Smith, 7            31:04.5    Ames                 

  366        Varun Prasanna, 8        36:31.6    Ames                 

  367        Antwain Flahn, 7                    Hoover               

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