CIML Iowa Conference JV Boys

Ames, Iowa

Oct. 14, 2004

50s, Cloudy & Light Wind

Results by Cal Murdock

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9/10 Girls

9/10 Boys

JV Girls

JV Boys

Varsity Girls

Varsity Boys


  1   Ames                     18    1    2    3    5    7   12   18   18:24      1:18
  2   Marshalltown             63    4    6   14   17   22   24   25   19:19      1:39
  3   Valley                   74   10   11   13   19   21   26   29   19:43        39
  4   Mason City               76    8    9   15   16   28   34   35   19:40      1:28
  5   Newton                  152   20   31   32   33   36   41        20:48      1:32
  6   Fort Dodge              155   23   27   30   37   38   39   40   21:00      1:38


1. Ames
    1  Lucas Warth, Sr             17:52  
    2  William Svec, Sr            18:08  
    3  Luke Lowry, Sr              18:16  
    5  Iain Wilson, Jr             18:36  
    7  Greg Shirbroun, Jr          19:10  
   12  Greg Hunter, Sr             19:31  
   18  Michael Dunlay, Jr          19:46  
Time = 1:32:00     Places = 18

2. Marshalltown
    4  Dustin Quam, Sr             18:30  
    6  Ryan Jennings, Jr           18:43  
   14  Tony Baldazo, Jr            19:35  
   17  Greg Lundgren, Jr           19:41  
   22  Ross Dubois, Sr             20:08  
   24  Steven Lakey, Sr            20:15  
   25  Ben Rees, Sr                20:16  
Time = 1:36:35     Places = 63

3. Valley
   10  Adam Bedwell, Jr            19:27  
   11  Chris Veach, Sr             19:30  
   13  Nick Connolly, Jr           19:33  
   19  Matt Hardin, Jr             20:01  
   21  John Wilch, Jr              20:05  
   26  Zach Hostetter, Jr          20:33  
   29  Jeremiah Grinvalds, Jr      20:41  
Time = 1:38:35     Places = 74

4. Mason City
    8  Zane Hugo, So               19:12  
    9  Ben Newell, Jr              19:13  
   15  Justin Faught, Jr           19:37  
   16  Andrew Starkey, Jr          19:39  
   28  Ryan Nolan, Sr              20:40  
   34  Zach Thompson, Jr           21:00  
   35  Clint Meinecke, Jr          21:26  
Time = 1:38:20     Places = 76

5. Newton
   20  Cameron Morris, Sr          20:04  
   31  Randy Storbeck, Sr          20:43  
   32  Derek Meyer, Fr             20:46  
   33  Bill Tiedje, So             20:52  
   36  Mike Thayer, Sr             21:36  
   41  Jae Wilson, Sr              24:11  
Time = 1:43:59     Places = 152

6. Fort Dodge
   23  Norine Carson, Sr           20:12  
   27  Kyle Whittington, Fr        20:36  
   30  Alex Fletcher, So           20:42  
   37  Nick Monteomery, Sr         21:39  
   38  Jsoh Everett, Jr            21:49  
   39  Matt Hall, So               22:04  
   40  Brandon Spencer, Jr         22:05  
Time = 1:44:57     Places = 155

 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM

    1     1  Lucas Warth, Sr             17:52    Ames
    2     2  William Svec, Sr            18:08    Ames
    3     3  Luke Lowry, Sr              18:16    Ames
    4     4  Dustin Quam, Sr             18:30    Marshalltown
    5     5  Iain Wilson, Jr             18:36    Ames
    6     6  Ryan Jennings, Jr           18:43    Marshalltown
    7     7  Greg Shirbroun, Jr          19:10    Ames
    8     8  Zane Hugo, So               19:12    Mason City
    9     9  Ben Newell, Jr              19:13    Mason City
   10    10  Adam Bedwell, Jr            19:27    Valley
   11    11  Chris Veach, Sr             19:30    Valley
   12    12  Greg Hunter, Sr             19:31    Ames
   13    13  Nick Connolly, Jr           19:33    Valley
   14    14  Tony Baldazo, Jr            19:35    Marshalltown
   15    15  Justin Faught, Jr           19:37    Mason City
   16    16  Andrew Starkey, Jr          19:39    Mason City
   17    17  Greg Lundgren, Jr           19:41    Marshalltown
   18    18  Michael Dunlay, Jr          19:46    Ames
   19        Garrett Russell, Sr         19:54    Ames
   20        Jarett Wendt, Jr            19:55    Ames
   21    19  Matt Hardin, Jr             20:01    Valley
   22        Freddie Patterson, Sr       20:02    Ames
   23    20  Cameron Morris, Sr          20:04    Newton
   24    21  John Wilch, Jr              20:05    Valley
   25    22  Ross Dubois, Sr             20:08    Marshalltown
   26        Cade Cartwirght, Sr         20:09    Ames
   27    23  Norine Carson, Sr           20:12    Fort Dodge
   28    24  Steven Lakey, Sr            20:15    Marshalltown
   29    25  Ben Rees, Sr                20:16    Marshalltown
   30        Elias Simpson, Sr           20:20    Ames
   31        Jeremy Watts, Sr            20:32    Marshalltown
   32        Ryan Adam, Sr               20:32    Ames
   33    26  Zach Hostetter, Jr          20:33    Valley
   34    27  Kyle Whittington, Fr        20:36    Fort Dodge
   35    28  Ryan Nolan, Sr              20:40    Mason City
   36    29  Jeremiah Grinvalds, Jr      20:41    Valley
   37    30  Alex Fletcher, So           20:42    Fort Dodge
   38    31  Randy Storbeck, Sr          20:43    Newton
   39    32  Derek Meyer, Fr             20:46    Newton
   40        Kyle Uhlmeyer, Sr           20:50    Ames
   41    33  Bill Tiedje, So             20:52    Newton
   42        Luke Wilkins, Sr            20:54    Ames
   43    34  Zach Thompson, Jr           21:00    Mason City
   44        Alex Carlson, Sr            21:09    Ames
   45        Seth Dodge, Sr              21:17    Ames
   46    35  Clint Meinecke, Jr          21:26    Mason City
   47        Nick Wulke, Sr              21:27    Marshalltown
   48        Ricky Fields, Sr            21:29    Ames
   49        Wade Dowling, Sr            21:32    Valley
   50        Aaron Anderson, Jr          21:32    Marshalltown
   51        Chad Nichols, Jr            21:34    Marshalltown
   52    36  Mike Thayer, Sr             21:36    Newton
   53    37  Nick Monteomery, Sr         21:39    Fort Dodge
   54    38  Jsoh Everett, Jr            21:49    Fort Dodge
   55        Nick Zdorkowski, Sr         21:50    Ames
   56        Cole Peiffer, Jr            21:55    Ames
   57        Jon Anderegg, Sr            21:56    Ames
   58        Alexey Yendovsky, Jr        21:58    Ames
   59        Justin Hallberg             22:03    Ames
   60    39  Matt Hall, So               22:04    Fort Dodge
   61    40  Brandon Spencer, Jr         22:05    Fort Dodge
   62        Booby Sundvold, Sr          22:08    Ames
   63        Jacob Ayala, So             22:10    Fort Dodge
   64        Ryan Pool, Jr               22:11    Ames
   65        Ariel Klein, Jr             22:24    Valley
   66        Andrey Golovan, Jr          22:26    Valley
   67        Daniel Carswell, Sr         22:27    Ames
   68        Shawn Labonde, Fr           22:33    Fort Dodge
   69        Matt Mead, Sr               22:34    Marshalltown
   70        James Pringle, Jr           22:43    Ames
   71        Brad Ginapp, Jr             22:45    Marshalltown
   72        Aaron Miller, So            22:47    Fort Dodge
   73        Matt Rodgers, Jr            23:07    Ames
   74        Greg Scallon, Sr            23:13    Ames
   75        Jason Mull, Sr              23:14    Ames
   76        Eric Evans, So              23:24    Fort Dodge
   77        Ben Peterson, Jr            23:39    Valley
   78        John Holub, Sr              23:56    Ames
   79        Blair Underwood, Sr         23:57    Fort Dodge
   80        Caleb Polashek, Jr          24:02    Ames
   81        Chris Johnston, Sr          24:11    Ames
   82    41  Jae Wilson, Sr              24:11    Newton
   83        Drew Evans, So              24:31    Fort Dodge
   84        Ryan Huck, Jr               24:35    Marshalltown
   85        William Dilla, Sr           25:05    Ames
   86        Adam Kent, Jr               25:20    Fort Dodge


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