CIML Central XC Championships - JV Boys

SE Polk High School

Oct. 16, 2003

60 degrees and windy

Results by Cal Murdock

9/10 Girls

9/10 Boys

JV Girls

JV Boys

Varsity Girls

Varsity Boys

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  1   Ankeny                   19    1    2    3    6    7    8   10   18:18      1:12
  2   Johnston                 56    4    9   13   14   16   20   25   19:39      1:58
  3   Dowling                  96   12   18   21   22   23   24   26   20:23        53
  4   Indianola                97    5   11   15   30   36   37        20:25      3:13
  5   Urbandale               125   17   19   27   29   33   38   39   20:55      1:10
  6   S E Polk                160   28   31   32   34   35             21:26        28


1. Ankeny
    1  Alex Miller, Sr             17:42  
    2  Zach Edge, Sr               17:53  
    3  Jon Woehl, Sr               18:13  
    6  John Brockardt, Sr          18:48  
    7  Jon Sankey, Sr              18:54  
    8  Paul Venable, Sr            19:10  
   10  Jay Flowers, Jr             19:22  
Time = 1:31:28     Places = 19

2. Johnston
    4  Joe Thuente, Jr             18:24  
    9  Erik Holt, Jr               19:15  
   13  Steven Walter, Jr           20:03  
   14  Jake Pike, Jr               20:12  
   16  Alex Hammer, Jr             20:21  
   20  Scott Walter, Sr            20:33  
   25  Tyler Swett, Jr             20:46  
Time = 1:38:12     Places = 56

3. Dowling
   12  Jamie Seidl, Sr             19:44  
   18  Alex Lawler, Sr             20:26  
   21  Nick Robson, Sr             20:33  
   22  Eric Polle, Sr              20:33  
   23  Joe Bush, Jr                20:36  
   24  Cody White, Sr              20:39  
   26  Josh Nauman, Sr             21:02  
Time = 1:41:51     Places = 96

4. Indianola
    5  Jarred Cox, Sr              18:48  
   11  Jared Ramthun, Sr           19:32  
   15  Adam Halls, Jr              20:20  
   30  Ben Schwoll, Jr             21:24  
   36  Paul Ehrlich, Sr            22:00  
   37  Adam Kruse, Jr              22:05  
Time = 1:42:02     Places = 97

5. Urbandale
   17  Zach Benson, Sr             20:22  
   19  Blake Weihs, So             20:28  
   27  Adbykar Sultanov, Jr        21:02  
   29  Ben Kester, Jr              21:10  
   33  Travis Smith, So            21:32  
   38  Barrett Fellows, Fr         23:26  
   39  Andrew Dilley, Fr           23:26  
Time = 1:44:33     Places = 125

6. S E Polk
   28  Josh Elwer, Jr              21:09  
   31  Zach Willer, Jr             21:25  
   32  Curtis Guzman, Jr           21:27  
   34  Jeremy Dove, Sr             21:33  
   35  Shuhrat Iskandrov, Sr       21:37  
Time = 1:47:09     Places = 160

 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM

    1     1  Alex Miller, Sr             17:42    Ankeny
    2     2  Zach Edge, Sr               17:53    Ankeny
    3     3  Jon Woehl, Sr               18:13    Ankeny
    4     4  Joe Thuente, Jr             18:24    Johnston
    5     5  Jarred Cox, Sr              18:48    Indianola
    6     6  John Brockardt, Sr          18:48    Ankeny
    7     7  Jon Sankey, Sr              18:54    Ankeny
    8     8  Paul Venable, Sr            19:10    Ankeny
    9     9  Erik Holt, Jr               19:15    Johnston
   10    10  Jay Flowers, Jr             19:22    Ankeny
   11        Josh Bennett, Jr            19:26    Ankeny
   12        Rick Szcodronski, Sr        19:26    Ankeny
   13        Tom Hansell, Sr             19:27    Ankeny
   14    11  Jared Ramthun, Sr           19:32    Indianola
   15        Adam Bohl, Jr               19:33    Ankeny
   16    12  Jamie Seidl, Sr             19:44    Dowling
   17        Steve Bieghler, Sr          19:53    Ankeny
   18    13  Steven Walter, Jr           20:03    Johnston
   19    14  Jake Pike, Jr               20:12    Johnston
   20        Grant Hansen, Jr            20:19    Ankeny
   21        Jeremy Strachan, Jr         20:19    Ankeny
   22    15  Adam Halls, Jr              20:20    Indianola
   23    16  Alex Hammer, Jr             20:21    Johnston
   24    17  Zach Benson, Sr             20:22    Urbandale
   25    18  Alex Lawler, Sr             20:26    Dowling
   26    19  Blake Weihs, So             20:28    Urbandale
   27    20  Scott Walter, Sr            20:33    Johnston
   28    21  Nick Robson, Sr             20:33    Dowling
   29    22  Eric Polle, Sr              20:33    Dowling
   30    23  Joe Bush, Jr                20:36    Dowling
   31    24  Cody White, Sr              20:39    Dowling
   32    25  Tyler Swett, Jr             20:46    Johnston
   33    26  Josh Nauman, Sr             21:02    Dowling
   34    27  Adbykar Sultanov, Jr        21:02    Urbandale
   35    28  Josh Elwer, Jr              21:09    S E Polk
   36        John Taylor, Sr             21:10    Dowling
   37    29  Ben Kester, Jr              21:10    Urbandale
   38        Kyle Mandsager, Sr          21:21    Johnston
   39        Cory Conner, Sr             21:23    Dowling
   40    30  Ben Schwoll, Jr             21:24    Indianola
   41    31  Zach Willer, Jr             21:25    S E Polk
   42    32  Curtis Guzman, Jr           21:27    S E Polk
   43        Matt Johnson, Sr            21:31    Johnston
   44    33  Travis Smith, So            21:32    Urbandale
   45    34  Jeremy Dove, Sr             21:33    S E Polk
   46        Brett Toney, Jr             21:34    Ankeny
   47    35  Shuhrat Iskandrov, Sr       21:37    S E Polk
   48        Chad Dolan, Sr              21:57    Dowling
   49    36  Paul Ehrlich, Sr            22:00    Indianola
   50        Mike Bergman, Sr            22:02    Dowling
   51    37  Adam Kruse, Jr              22:05    Indianola
   52        John Yost, Sr               22:09    Dowling
   53        Brandon Swett, Jr           22:17    Johnston
   54        Matt Bole, Jr               22:35    Johnston
   55        Dana Vansanbeck, Sr         22:48    Dowling
   56        Ben Morrill, Jr             22:57    Johnston
   57        Alex Gras2, Jr              23:00    Johnston
   58        Duncan Skinner, Sr          23:06    Johnston
   59        Eric Lock, Sr               23:20    Dowling
   60        Matt Kelly                  23:25    Johnston
   61    38  Barrett Fellows, Fr         23:26    Urbandale
   62    39  Andrew Dilley, Fr           23:26    Urbandale
   63        John Lickteig, Sr           23:45    Dowling
   64        Jim Mahony, Sr              23:54    Johnston
   65        Jordan Lampe, Jr            23:55    Johnston
   66        Nick Bussamues, Jr          23:56    Johnston
   67        Brock Brones, Jr            24:50    Johnston
   68        Adam Hsu, Sr                24:51    Johnston
   69        Adam Thilges, Jr            24:52    Johnston
   70        Connor Black, Fr            26:27    Urbandale
   71        Jason Fry, Jr               26:59    Johnston


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